İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi


    Department of Accounting and Tax Applications (Turkish)

    Welcome to Accounting and Taxation Degree

    To introduce the documents used in accounting records ,and the basic concepts and system of accounting to the students; to teach the process of accounts of balance sheet and income statement, and the way these financial statements are prepared; to present analytical education that is a necessary in business world, and to improve their skills and knowledge in order to produce rationalistic solutions to real business administration problems with regards to accounting, are the aims of this programme. 

    Our graduates can get job opportunities in accounting departments of companies, financial consultancy firms, financial institutions and public institutions as "Accounting and Tax Applications Professionals" 

    Departments those students can continue with a vertical transfer: Banking, Banking and Finance, Insurance Business, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Business Administration, Business Information Management, Business Informatics, Logistics Management, Health Care Management, Capital Markets, Insurance and Risk Management, International Finance, International Business.
    Assessing the academic success depends on defining the aims that are designated in the learning outcomes. Carrying out the criterias of pedagogic assessment and evaluation meticulously as well as improving our student’s sense of belonging, and keeping in touch with graduateds; the performances and production that our students display not only in their academic lives but also in their careers are among the criterias that specify the success of programme.
    Although there may not be certain mechanical criterias in measuring the success of education given in any area, it is targeted that the graduateds principally have below stated basic professional skills so that the success of the aims of Accounting and Tax Applications programme could be measured:

    • The ability of synthesizing, analyzing, interpreting, questioning, criticizing the vocational knowledge as well as comprehending and practicing legal profession regulation,
    • To be open to enhance oneself and his or her environment and to have effective communication with them,
    • The ability of setting up,
    • To have the knowledge over the processes of human resources management and the ability of employing it in work environment,
    • The competence to communicate the experts in other areas and to keep up with teamworks and to have leadership qualities,
    • To have vocational and ethical sense of responsibility,
    • The ability of working individualistically and effectively in well-disiplined teams and to have the self confidince of undertaking,
    • The ability of accessing to information and for that purpose making literature search, utilising database and other information sources,
    • The ability of communicating both in oral and in written Turkish effectively,
    • To have the responsibility of life long learning requirement; the ability of keeping step with the advancement in science and technology and renovating oneself constantly




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